Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps
Treatise in Petroleum Geology
Predicting the occurrence of oil and gas traps
Predicting reservoir system quality and performance
Dan J. Hartmann, Edward A. Beaumont
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Water saturation (Sw) can be measured directly from a sealed core, which is an expensive method, or it can be calculated from the Archie equation,[1] which is less expensive. Sw can also be estimated using a graphical representation of the Archie equation known as the Pickett plot.[2]
See also
- ↑ Archie, G. E., 1942, The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteristics: Petroleum Transactions of AIME 146: 54–62.
- ↑ Pickett, G. R., 1973, Pattern recognition as a means of formation evaluation: The Log Analyst, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 3–11.
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