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In contrast, high speed computing facilities have engendered methods whereby an “objective” surface can be created by applying mathematical interpolation procedures to a control point set. These methods are free of any geological bias or interpretation introduced during map preparation because they produce a representation of a surface that is constructed by an “unbiased” and decidedly ungeological mathematical formulation from data measured at selected control points. Computer contoured maps can be reproduced easily by presenting the program with the same data and options as those used to create the original map. Values underlying the contoured representation can be obtained by the same interpolation procedure used to generate it.
In contrast, high speed computing facilities have engendered methods whereby an “objective” surface can be created by applying mathematical interpolation procedures to a control point set. These methods are free of any geological bias or interpretation introduced during map preparation because they produce a representation of a surface that is constructed by an “unbiased” and decidedly ungeological mathematical formulation from data measured at selected control points. Computer contoured maps can be reproduced easily by presenting the program with the same data and options as those used to create the original map. Values underlying the contoured representation can be obtained by the same interpolation procedure used to generate it.
Procedures usually used in hand contouring require that the geologist choose a contour interval that best displays ideas to be conveyed by the map. Computer-contouring methods, in contrast, require that the geologist select parameters that will ultimately determine the mathematical basis that computes and draws the finished map. Many sets of parameters can be used to produce a contoured representation of a surface sampled by a sparse set of control points. Maps will be similar in overall appearance, but will differ in specific areas because each set of parameters causes different mathematical procedures to be invoked. Each procedure produces a different map. (For example, compare figures 1 and 2 of Philip and Watson, 1983 and figure 11.07 of <ref name=pt08r4>Clarke, K. C., 1990, Analytical computer cartography: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 290 p.</ref> with Figures 3, 4, 5, and 7 of this chapter). Suitable parameters for a particular mapping project are selected by carefully inspecting both density and distribution of control points from which the map will be made.
Procedures usually used in hand contouring require that the geologist choose a contour interval that best displays ideas to be conveyed by the map. Computer-contouring methods, in contrast, require that the geologist select parameters that will ultimately determine the mathematical basis that computes and draws the finished map. Many sets of parameters can be used to produce a contoured representation of a surface sampled by a sparse set of control points. Maps will be similar in overall appearance, but will differ in specific areas because each set of parameters causes different mathematical procedures to be invoked. Each procedure produces a different map. (For example, compare figures 1 and 2 of <ref name=Philip_and_Watson_1982>Philip, G. M., and D. F. Watson, 1982, A precise method for determining contoured surfaces: Australian Petroleum Exploration Society Journal, v. 22, p. 205-212.</ref> and figure 11.07 of <ref name=pt08r4>Clarke, K. C., 1990, Analytical computer cartography: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 290 p.</ref> with Figures 3, 4, 5, and 7 of this article). Suitable parameters for a particular mapping project are selected by carefully inspecting both density and distribution of control points from which the map will be made.
[[file:introduction-to-contouring-geological-data-with-a-computer_fig2.png|thumb|{{figure number|2}}Triangular mesh prepared from Davis)<ref name=pt08r6>Davis, J. C., 1973, Statistics and data analysis in geology: New York, John Wiley and Sons, 550 p.</ref> data.]]
[[file:introduction-to-contouring-geological-data-with-a-computer_fig2.png|thumb|{{figure number|2}}Triangular mesh prepared from Davis'<ref name=pt08r6>Davis, J. C., 1973, Statistics and data analysis in geology: New York, John Wiley and Sons, 550 p.</ref> data.]]
[[file:introduction-to-contouring-geological-data-with-a-computer_fig3.png|thumb|{{figure number|3}}Contoured triangular mesh of Figure 2.]]
[[file:introduction-to-contouring-geological-data-with-a-computer_fig3.png|thumb|{{figure number|3}}Contoured triangular mesh of Figure 2.]]
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Triangulation connects control points into a mesh of locally equiangular (Delaunay) triangles (Figure 2). Contour positions within the bounds of each triangle are estimated by interpolating from control point values that are triangle vertices. Each member of the triangular mesh is handled separately, and the surface is created by assembling triangles. Interpolation and contouring on a triangulated mesh requires few decisions from the geologist. Control point data are presented to the method along with a contour interval, and a contoured representation of the required surface is produced. Figure 3 is a contour representation of control point data presented by Davis)<ref name=pt08r6 /> produced by interpolating on a triangular mesh (Figure 2).
Triangulation connects control points into a mesh of locally equiangular (Delaunay) triangles (Figure 2). Contour positions within the bounds of each triangle are estimated by interpolating from control point values that are triangle vertices. Each member of the triangular mesh is handled separately, and the surface is created by assembling triangles. Interpolation and contouring on a triangulated mesh requires few decisions from the geologist. Control point data are presented to the method along with a contour interval, and a contoured representation of the required surface is produced. Figure 3 is a contour representation of control point data presented by Davis<ref name=pt08r6 /> produced by interpolating on a triangular mesh (Figure 2).
Contours prepared on a triangular mesh will always strictly honor all data points used for the interpolation. Triangulated meshes are easily updated, therefore adding new control points and updating maps is simplified. However, contours prepared on this mesh often look “rough” and are less desirable in appearance. Some more sophisticated mapping packages provide smoothing procedures to render maps of more acceptable appearance. Figure 4 is a portion of a surface contoured using a triangulation scheme. Notice the irregular shape of the contours. The original surface that was sampled to produce this map is a fourth order polynomial. The shape of this surface is characterized by smooth contours. Irregularities seen in Figure 4 are artifacts of the interpolation procedure used to estimate the contours within individual triangles. However, the relative positions of the contours are a good approximation to those for the original surface.
Contours prepared on a triangular mesh will always strictly honor all data points used for the interpolation. Triangulated meshes are easily updated, therefore adding new control points and updating maps is simplified. However, contours prepared on this mesh often look “rough” and are less desirable in appearance. Some more sophisticated mapping packages provide smoothing procedures to render maps of more acceptable appearance. Figure 4 is a portion of a surface contoured using a triangulation scheme. Notice the irregular shape of the contours. The original surface that was sampled to produce this map is a fourth order polynomial. The shape of this surface is characterized by smooth contours. Irregularities seen in Figure 4 are artifacts of the interpolation procedure used to estimate the contours within individual triangles. However, the relative positions of the contours are a good approximation to those for the original surface.
Triangulation is not a method of choice when surfaces derived from several horizons for the same area of interest are desired. Operations between surfaces (such as subtraction of the lower from the higher) require that data exist at each control point for both horizons. Often, this is not the case with well data and requires an estimated point to be submitted where data are missing<ref name=pt08r11>Jones, T. A., Hamilton, D. E., Johnson, C. R., 1986, Contouring geologic surfaces with the computer: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 314 p.</ref>.
Triangulation is not a method of choice when surfaces derived from several horizons for the same area of interest are desired. Operations between surfaces (such as subtraction of the lower from the higher) require that data exist at each control point for both horizons. Often, this is not the case with well data and requires an estimated point to be submitted where data are missing.<ref name=pt08r11>Jones, T. A., Hamilton, D. E., Johnson, C. R., 1986, Contouring geologic surfaces with the computer: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 314 p.</ref>
==Rectangular gripping==
==Rectangular gridding==
Rectangular gridding, in contrast to triangulation, first uses data at measured control points to interpolate values to a set of grid nodes at a predefined spacing. These values are then used to estimate positions of contours crossing each grid rectangle. The complete surface is assembled from contiguous grid rectangles. For most geological applications, grid squares are used rather than the more general rectangle. Interpolation and contouring of an irregularly spaced control point set on a rectangular grid requires many decisions from the geologist.
Rectangular gridding, in contrast to triangulation, first uses data at measured control points to interpolate values to a set of grid nodes at a predefined spacing. These values are then used to estimate positions of contours crossing each grid rectangle. The complete surface is assembled from contiguous grid rectangles. For most geological applications, grid squares are used rather than the more general rectangle. Interpolation and contouring of an irregularly spaced control point set on a rectangular grid requires many decisions from the geologist.
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Nearest neighbor searching uses the nearest neighbors of a grid node to estimate nodal values. The number of neighbors to use can be decided arbitrarily or can be taken as nearest neighbors defined by a Delaunay triangulation of the control point set. The number of nearest neighbors determined from irregularly spaced control points can vary so that each grid node can be estimated from different numbers of control points depending upon their distribution across the map area. Figure 5 is a contour representation of the same data used in Figure 3 using nearest neighbor search and a 13 × 13 grid (Figure 6).
Nearest neighbor searching uses the nearest neighbors of a grid node to estimate nodal values. The number of neighbors to use can be decided arbitrarily or can be taken as nearest neighbors defined by a Delaunay triangulation of the control point set. The number of nearest neighbors determined from irregularly spaced control points can vary so that each grid node can be estimated from different numbers of control points depending upon their distribution across the map area. Figure 5 is a contour representation of the same data used in Figure 3 using nearest neighbor search and a 13 × 13 grid (Figure 6).
[[file:introduction-to-contouring-geological-data-with-a-computer_fig6.png|thumb|{{figure number|6}}A13 × 13 grid showing the relationship between grid nodes and control points for the Davis)<ref name=pt08r6 /> data set.]]
[[file:introduction-to-contouring-geological-data-with-a-computer_fig6.png|thumb|{{figure number|6}}A13 × 13 grid showing the relationship between grid nodes and control points for the Davis<ref name=pt08r6 /> data set.]]
Circular, quadrant, and octant neighborhood searching procedures attempt to balance the number and distribution of control points used to estimate each grid node. Most mapping packages include procedures to estimate density and control point spacing, and these statistics should be examined carefully before deciding on search criteria for a particular project.
Circular, quadrant, and octant neighborhood searching procedures attempt to balance the number and distribution of control points used to estimate each grid node. Most mapping packages include procedures to estimate density and control point spacing, and these statistics should be examined carefully before deciding on search criteria for a particular project.
Creating a map grid also requires that an interpolation procedure for estimating values at grid nodes be selected. There are numerous methods that have been devised to accomplish this, including weighting methods, trend projection methods, and statistical methods. The more common gridding methods are well summarized by Davis)<ref name=pt08r6 /> and Clarke)<ref name=pt08r4 />.
Creating a map grid also requires that an interpolation procedure for estimating values at grid nodes be selected. There are numerous methods that have been devised to accomplish this, including weighting methods, trend projection methods, and statistical methods. The more common gridding methods are well summarized by Davis<ref name=pt08r6 /> and Clarke.<ref name=pt08r4 />
Weighting methods assign weights to values at control points based on their distance from the grid node being estimated. There are various strategies for devising weighting schemes. The most commonly encountered scheme used for geological data is inverse distance weighting. For this scheme, values at control points are weighted by the inverse of the distance from the node. Variations of this scheme allow the control point values to be weighted by the inverse of distance raised to a selected power. Positive powers cause the influence of more distant points to make a smaller contribution to the value estimated at the grid node. Selection of the power to which the distance is to be raised depends upon the surface “roughness” and a feeling for the relationship between control points and surface shape. Several of these weighting schemes are reviewed by Clarke)<ref name=pt08r4 /> and Davis)<ref name=pt08r6 />.
Weighting methods assign weights to values at control points based on their distance from the grid node being estimated. There are various strategies for devising weighting schemes. The most commonly encountered scheme used for geological data is inverse distance weighting. For this scheme, values at control points are weighted by the inverse of the distance from the node. Variations of this scheme allow the control point values to be weighted by the inverse of distance raised to a selected power. Positive powers cause the influence of more distant points to make a smaller contribution to the value estimated at the grid node. Selection of the power to which the distance is to be raised depends upon the surface “roughness” and a feeling for the relationship between control points and surface shape. Several of these weighting schemes are reviewed by Clarke<ref name=pt08r4 /> and Davis.<ref name=pt08r6 />
Trend projection methods are an adaptation of a linear regression technique called ''trend surface analysis''. This method has been devised because geological subsurface sampling rarely provides observations at the highest or lowest points on a surface, and it is sometimes desirable to allow the interpolation procedure to exceed the measured maximum and minimum. Trend projection methods use one of the search criteria previously described to select points that are taken in groups of three and fitted exactly to a plane using a least squares or bicubic spline methods. The grid node estimate is obtained by averaging projections of these planes. This method can be quite effective for smooth surfaces where regional dip orientation remains relatively constant over a large area of the map. This method can produce a surface that is more highly textured than the actual surface in highly deformed areas where the dip direction changes rapidly over small distances. Sampson)<ref name=pt08r19>Sampson, R. J., 1978, Surface II graphics system (revision 1): Lawrence, KS, Kansas Geological Survey, Series on Spatial Analysis, n. 1, 240 p.</ref> reviews this method in detail.
Trend projection methods are an adaptation of a linear regression technique called ''trend surface analysis''. This method has been devised because geological subsurface sampling rarely provides observations at the highest or lowest points on a surface, and it is sometimes desirable to allow the interpolation procedure to exceed the measured maximum and minimum. Trend projection methods use one of the search criteria previously described to select points that are taken in groups of three and fitted exactly to a plane using a least squares or bicubic spline methods. The grid node estimate is obtained by averaging projections of these planes. This method can be quite effective for smooth surfaces where regional dip orientation remains relatively constant over a large area of the map. This method can produce a surface that is more highly textured than the actual surface in highly deformed areas where the dip direction changes rapidly over small distances. Sampson<ref name=pt08r19>Sampson, R. J., 1978, Surface II graphics system (revision 1): Lawrence, KS, Kansas Geological Survey, Series on Spatial Analysis, n. 1, 240 p.</ref> reviews this method in detail.
Figure 7 is the same portion of the surface shown in Figure 4. The map in Figure 7 was produced by a gridding method with nearest neighbor search. Contours for this map are smooth, and their shape closely approximates those of the original fourth-order polynomial surface from which control points were obtained. However, contours are not in the same geographic positions as in the original surface, and some control points are not strictly honored.
Figure 7 is the same portion of the surface shown in Figure 4. The map in Figure 7 was produced by a gridding method with nearest neighbor search. Contours for this map are smooth, and their shape closely approximates those of the original fourth-order polynomial surface from which control points were obtained. However, contours are not in the same geographic positions as in the original surface, and some control points are not strictly honored.
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Several statistical methods can be used to construct a regular grid from control point data. Trend surface analysis is a regression method that fits a power series polynomial to control point data. This method has been used in geological practice to isolate regional trends from sparse control point sets. It is not designed to honor control points, but is used instead to separate regional variation from local variation (for example, separating structural variation from stratigraphic variation). It is often used in exploration, but it has little use in detailed mapping of reservoirs.
Several statistical methods can be used to construct a regular grid from control point data. Trend surface analysis is a regression method that fits a power series polynomial to control point data. This method has been used in geological practice to isolate regional trends from sparse control point sets. It is not designed to honor control points, but is used instead to separate regional variation from local variation (for example, separating structural variation from stratigraphic variation). It is often used in exploration, but it has little use in detailed mapping of reservoirs.
''Kriging'' is a statistical method devised by Krige)<ref name=pt08r13>Krige, D. G., 1951, A statistical approach to some mine valuation problems on the Witwatersrand: Journal of Chemical Metallurgy and Mineralogy Society of South Africa, v. 52, n. 6, p. 119–139.</ref> and developed by Matheron)<ref name=pt08r14>Matheron, G., 1971, The theory of regionalized variables and its application: Paris, Les Cahiders du Centre de Morphologie Mathematique, École Nationale Superieur des Mines, Booklet 5, 211 p.</ref> to estimate gold reserves in ore bodies. It has found considerable application as a gridding method in the petroleum industry. The method is based on the theory of the regionalized variable first formulated by Matheron)<ref name=pt08r14 /> and popularized by Clark)<ref name=pt08r3>Clark, I., 1979, Practical geostatistics: New York, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 129 p.</ref> and Journel and Huijbregts)<ref name=pt08r12>Journel, A. G., Huijbregts, C. J., 1978, Mining geostatistics: New York, Academic Press, 600 p.</ref>. Regionalized variable theory breaks spatial variation into three components. The drift is large-scale variation that can be attributed to regional variation, a smaller scale random but spatially correlated part, and still smaller scale random noise. The method uses knowledge of spatial variance of the drift to derive a set of weights for control points that are unbiased statistical estimates. If all of the statistical assumptions are met, it can provide contours that are unbiased estimates. It also provides estimation variance at each grid node. Therefore, the method is statistically superior to the gridding methods discussed earlier. It also strictly honors control points.
''Kriging'' is a statistical method devised by Krige<ref name=pt08r13>Krige, D. G., 1951, A statistical approach to some mine valuation problems on the Witwatersrand: Journal of Chemical Metallurgy and Mineralogy Society of South Africa, v. 52, n. 6, p. 119–139.</ref> and developed by Matheron,<ref name=pt08r14>Matheron, G., 1971, The theory of regionalized variables and its application: Paris, Les Cahiders du Centre de Morphologie Mathematique, École Nationale Superieur des Mines, Booklet 5, 211 p.</ref> to estimate gold reserves in ore bodies. It has found considerable application as a gridding method in the petroleum industry. The method is based on the theory of the regionalized variable first formulated by Matheron)<ref name=pt08r14 /> and popularized by Clark<ref name=pt08r3>Clark, I., 1979, Practical geostatistics: New York, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 129 p.</ref> and Journel and Huijbregts.<ref name=pt08r12>Journel, A. G., Huijbregts, C. J., 1978, Mining geostatistics: New York, Academic Press, 600 p.</ref> Regionalized variable theory breaks spatial variation into three components. The drift is large-scale variation that can be attributed to regional variation, a smaller scale random but spatially correlated part, and still smaller scale random noise. The method uses knowledge of spatial variance of the drift to derive a set of weights for control points that are unbiased statistical estimates. If all of the statistical assumptions are met, it can provide contours that are unbiased estimates. It also provides estimation variance at each grid node. Therefore, the method is statistically superior to the gridding methods discussed earlier. It also strictly honors control points.
Knowledge of the drift function is necessary to use the method to interpolate control point data onto grid nodes. This knowledge is embodied in a function, termed the ''semi-variogram'', that can be estimated for several orientations from geophysical data<ref name=pt08r15>Olea, R. A., 1975, Optimum mapping techniques using regionalized variable theory: Lawrence, KS, Kansas Geological Survey, Series on Spatial Analysis, n. 2, 137 p</ref>. If the semi-variogram cannot be obtained experimentally, it is assumed to be linear or exponential. This assumption can greatly reduce the confidence of estimate thereby defeating the power of the method. Although it is the most complex of the methods discussed here, it has considerable application in reservoir analysis (see “Correlation and Regression Analysis,” “[[Multivariate data analysis]],and “Monte Carlo and Stochastic Simulation Methods”) and “Reservoir Modeling for Simulation Purposes” and “Conducting a Reservoir Simulation Study: An Overview” in Part 10).
Knowledge of the drift function is necessary to use the method to interpolate control point data onto grid nodes. This knowledge is embodied in a function, termed the ''semi-variogram'', that can be estimated for several orientations from geophysical data.<ref name=pt08r15>Olea, R. A., 1975, Optimum mapping techniques using regionalized variable theory: Lawrence, KS, Kansas Geological Survey, Series on Spatial Analysis, n. 2, 137 p</ref> If the semi-variogram cannot be obtained experimentally, it is assumed to be linear or exponential. This assumption can greatly reduce the confidence of estimate thereby defeating the power of the method. Although it is the most complex of the methods discussed here, it has considerable application in reservoir analysis (see [[Correlation and regression analysis]], [[Multivariate data analysis]], and [[Monte Carlo and stochastic simulation methods]]) and [[Reservoir modeling for simulation purposes]] and [[Conducting a reservoir simulation study: an overview]].
==A word about discontinuities==
==A word about discontinuities==
Most interpolation procedures, particularly those that involve some form of gridding, assume that the surface being estimated is spatially continuous. Discontinuities such as faults or stratigraphic pinchouts are not successfully modeled by these gridding methods. Most mapping packages allow the geologist to enter a fault trace that effectively divides the area into subareas that are gridded and contoured separately. Pinchouts and other stratigraphic discontinuities are handled by a fence that defines the zero contour. No contouring will appear on the wrong side of the zero line<ref name=pt08r11 />. Triangulation procedures can model faulted or other discontinuous terranes with somewhat more success without the inclusion of fault traces or zero contour lines.
Most interpolation procedures, particularly those that involve some form of gridding, assume that the surface being estimated is spatially continuous. Discontinuities such as faults or stratigraphic pinchouts are not successfully modeled by these gridding methods. Most mapping packages allow the geologist to enter a fault trace that effectively divides the area into subareas that are gridded and contoured separately. Pinchouts and other stratigraphic discontinuities are handled by a fence that defines the zero contour. No contouring will appear on the wrong side of the zero line.<ref name=pt08r11 /> Triangulation procedures can model faulted or other discontinuous terranes with somewhat more success without the inclusion of fault traces or zero contour lines.
It must be kept in mind that faults require geometry that is related to the type of fault and the properties of the deformed material. Mathematical interpolation does not consider these factors when contouring faulted terranes. Fault mapping procedures that consider geometric implications of the type of faulting have not yet been developed; thus, interpolation must suffice until such procedures become available.
It must be kept in mind that faults require geometry that is related to the type of fault and the properties of the deformed material. Mathematical interpolation does not consider these factors when contouring faulted terranes. Fault mapping procedures that consider geometric implications of the type of faulting have not yet been developed; thus, interpolation must suffice until such procedures become available.
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Several approaches can be taken. Each will provide some insight into the workings of the various methods and will help in choosing which methods are advantageous in which projects. The first and simplest approach is to take a sample from a topographic map (preferably one with considerable relief) and apply various contouring methods to it. Compare computed results with the original by overlaying output and by subtracting grids estimated by two methods. How do the various methods compare? Which methods overestimate the surface? Which underestimate it?
Several approaches can be taken. Each will provide some insight into the workings of the various methods and will help in choosing which methods are advantageous in which projects. The first and simplest approach is to take a sample from a topographic map (preferably one with considerable relief) and apply various contouring methods to it. Compare computed results with the original by overlaying output and by subtracting grids estimated by two methods. How do the various methods compare? Which methods overestimate the surface? Which underestimate it?
A second approach is to compare surfaces produced by available methods on a surface that has been used as a standard for other work. A good one is that of a small drainage basin used to prepare Figures 3 and 5 (it can be found in <ref name=pt08r6 />). Others can be obtained from CEED II, which is an evaluation of mapping packages<ref name=pt08r7>Geobyte, 1986, CEED II—mapping systems compared, evaluated: Geobyte, v. 1, n. 5, p. 25–40.</ref>.
A second approach is to compare surfaces produced by available methods on a surface that has been used as a standard for other work. A good one is that of a small drainage basin used to prepare Figures 3 and 5 (it can be found in <ref name=pt08r6 />). Others can be obtained from CEED II, which is an evaluation of mapping packages.<ref name=pt08r7>Geobyte, 1986, CEED II—mapping systems compared, evaluated: Geobyte, v. 1, n. 5, p. 25–40.</ref>
Finally, although computer contouring is a large and growing discipline, it remains something of an art form in which experience is the best guide. It is not exhaustively covered in this brief introduction. It is best to use this chapter as a guide for further study and experimentation with a commercial mapping package. Until better methods are discovered, interpolation is the only route available for estimating the shape and variance of subsurface surfaces.
Finally, although computer contouring is a large and growing discipline, it remains something of an art form in which experience is the best guide. It is not exhaustively covered in this brief introduction. It is best to use this article as a guide for further study and experimentation with a commercial mapping package. Until better methods are discovered, interpolation is the only route available for estimating the shape and variance of subsurface surfaces.
==See also==
==See also==

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