Parana-Etendeka CBP

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Wiki Write-Off Entry
Student Chapter Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Competition June 2015

Parana-Etendeka Continental Basaltic Province represents one of the major volcanic events on Earth’s history. It's characterized by a fissural volcanism that occurred in the Early Cretaceous before the Gondwana rift and opening of South Atlantic Ocean. About 90% of the volcanism is found in South America, covering 1,200,000 km² over the Parana Basin (Parana Continental Basaltic Province). The other 10% are in Etendeka (Etendeka Continental Basaltic Province), and Angola, Africa (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Location of the Parana-Etendeka CBP (modified from Jerram.[1]

The Parana Continental Basaltic Province covers an area of 917,000 km² and has a volume of 450,000 km³.[2] It is composed mostly (90% of volume) by basaltic and andesitic basalts rocks with a tholeiitic affinity. Acidic rocks occur locally in the upper volcanic pile. Chemically the basalts were divided in two groups based in the TiO2 contents: The first group occurs dominantly in southern areas and has TiO2 lower than 2 wt.%, the second group has high TiO2 (>2%) and is dominant in the northern portion of the Parana Basin.[3][4] These two groups of basaltic rocks were sub-divided in six magma types[5]: Gramado, Esmeralda and Urubici (Ti/Y<300) in the south, and Pitanga, Paranapanema and Ribeira (Ti/Y>300) in the northern magmas.

Figure 2. Distribution of magmatic and sedimentary rocks of the Parana Basin.[6].

Acidic rocks are characterized by high crystallization temperatures. In the Paraná Basin, temperatures obtained by the coexisting pyroxenes method are 1,030 ± 38ºC:[3]. Chemically the acidic rocks are also divided in two groups[3][7]

  1. Palmas type, dacitic and rhyolitic rocks with low TiO2 and low contents of incompatible elements, dominant in the south of Parana Basin and is sub-divided in 5 sub-groups based on chemical characteristics:[5][8] Caxias do Sul, Santa Maria, Anita Garibaldi, Clevelandia and Jacui.
  2. Chapeco Type, porphyritic trachytes with high-TiO2, Ba, P, Zr and Sr. Present in the north and middle portions of the basin and is sub-divided in 3 sub-groups: Ourinhos, Guarapuava[7] and Tamanara.[8]

The age of magmatism in the Serra Geral Formation is Early Cretaceous. The volcanic rocks are slightly older in the south portion ranging from 131,4 ± 1,6 to 132,9 Ma, becoming younger in middle (129,9 ± 0,1 Ma ) and north (131,9 ± 0,9 Ma ).[9] The duration of the main phase of the volcanism was <1.2 My[9] (Continental Basaltic Provinces are known to display a variety of lava flow morphologies).

Furthermore, studies based in the morphology of different magma types and the facies architecture[10][11][6] has helped the understanding the paleotopography, emplacement and volumetric flow rate of Parana Etendeka volcanism.


  1. Jerram, D. A., 2002, Volcanology and facies architecture of flood basalts, in M. A. Menzies, S. L. Klemperer, C. J. Ebinger, and J. Baker, eds., Magmatic rifted margins: Geological Society of America Special Paper 362, pp. 119–132.
  2. Frank, H. T., M. E. B. Gomes, and M. L. L. Formoso, 2009, Review of the areal extent and the volume of the Serra Geral Formation, Parana Basin, South America: Pesquisa em Geociências, v. 36, p. 49–57.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Bellieni, G., P. Comin-Chiaramonti, L. S. Marques, A. J. Melfi, E. M. Picirillo, A. J. R. Nardy, and A. Roisenberg,1984, High- and Low Ti flood basalts from the Paran_a plateau (Brazil): petrogenetic and geochemical aspects bearing on their mantle origin. Neues Jahrb. für Mineral. Abh. 150, 272e306.
  4. Mantovani, M.S.M., Marques, L.S., De Sousa, M.A., Civetta, L., Atalla, L., Innocenti, F., 1985. Trace element and strontium isotope constraints on the origin and evolution of Paran_a continental flood basalts of Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. J. Petrol. 26, 187e209.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Peate, D.W., Hawkeswort, C.J., Mantovani, M.S.M., 1992. Chemical stratigraphy of the Paran_a lavas (South America): classification of magma types and their spatial distribution. Bull. Volcanol. 55, 119e139.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Rossetti, L.M., Lima, E.F., Waichel, B.L., Scherer, C.M., Barreto, C.J., 2014. Stratigraphical framework of basaltic lavas in Torres Syncline Main Valley, Southern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 56 (2014) 409-421
  7. 7.0 7.1 Peate, D.W., 1997. The Parana-Etendeka province. In: Mahoney, J.J., Coffin, M. (Eds.), Large Igneous Provinces: Continental, Oceanic, and Planetary Volcanism: Geophysical Monograph Series, vol. 100. American Geophysical Union, pp. 217e245.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Nardy A.J.R., Machado F.B., Oliveira M.A.F. 2008. As rochas vulcânicas mesozoicas ácidas da Bacia do Paraná: litoestratigrafia e considerações geoquímicas-estratigráficas. Revista Brasileira de Geociências, 38(1):178-195.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Renne, P. R., Ernesto, M., Pacca, I.G., Coe, R.S., Glen, J.M., Prevot, M. & Perrin M. 1992. The age of the Paraná Flood Volcanism, rifting of Gondwanaland, and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. Science, 258: 975- 979
  10. Lima, E.F., Waichel, B.L., Rossetti, L.M.M., Viana, A.R., Scherer, C.M., Bueno, G.V., Dutra, G., 2012. Morphological and petrographic patterns of the pahoehoe and 0a0_a flows of the Serra Geral Formation in the Torres Syncline.
  11. Waichel, B.L., Lima, E.F., Viana, A.R., Scherer, C.M., Bueno, G.V., Dutra, G., 2012. Stratigraphy and volcanic facies architecture of the Torres Syncline, Southern Brazil, and its role in understanding the Paran_a-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 216, 74e82.