User:Matt/Things to do

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< User:Matt
Revision as of 14:56, 28 June 2013 by (talk) (→‎Matt: typo)
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Please update or add to this list!



  • Semantic MediaWiki Bundle installation
  • Map domain for nicer URL
  • $wgLogo and favicon
  • Figure out how to keep up to date with git
  • Figure out the dev/prod architecture that's easiest to maintain
  • Figure out how we're going to create users and log people in
  • Learn a bit about editing — Training could be a good place to start
  • If we tweak or build a skin, learn how to skin
  • If we get really ambitious, become a MediaWiki hacker
  • Template migration (Matt is building a list of templates)
  • Help Matt figure out best workflow for content conversion

Extensions to consider adding[edit]

Things AAPG has decided on[edit]

  • License: CC-BY-SA
  • Who can read: * (everyone in world)
  • Who can edit: user (registered users)
  • Who can register: * (everyone in world) — but we will add a layer of 'approval' to fight spammers, or at least use $wgAutoConfirmAge

Things AAPG needs to decide on[edit]

  • Logo and look & feel: tweaked Vector (SEG's choice), tweaked third-party (SPE), or custom
  • Name... cf SPE's PetroWiki, SEG's SEG Wiki, etc. GeoWiki? AAPGWiki? Wiki's name is currently AAPG
  • Various policy documents (see list below)
  • How will we recruit moderators/editors?
  • Marketing and communications approach, and interface with other web properties

Things we need to draft[edit]

Other settings pages[edit]