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This is my sandbox page.

An image of a rock should go here

See? I told you. Rocks.

It's supposed to be that small.

I know math


This is a table, yo

I created a table

It should read From left to right See? I did it!
This is a cell This is the cell next to it And so on And so forth
The woods are lovely, Dark and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep
The cell before this was empty The cell after it was, too


  • I'm working on a list
  • This is an item on it
    • This is an item that belongs underneath it
  • I think I did that right
  • Neato!
  1. This list is numbered
  2. I hope
    1. This list is sub numbered
    2. It goes on for a bit
    3. Even though I don't have much to say
  3. Oh well
  4. It happens

Other stuff

Cite is done![1]

Does this work?[2]
