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List of reservoir name, age, and strata type, and seal name and strata type, for oil and gas fields that have not been produced. Reservoir strata type: carbonate and sandstone. Seal strata type: evaporite, argillaceous limestone (arg limestone), shale,...
List of reservoir name, age, and strata type, and seal name and strata type, for oil and gas fields that have not been produced. Reservoir strata type: carbonate and sandstone. Seal strata type: evaporite, argillaceous limestone (arg limestone), shale, marl, and evaporite-marl. Field number refers to locations shown in Figure 3 of [[Iraq petroleum geology]]. From Grabowski Jr., G. J., 2014, Iraq, in L. Marlow, C. Kendall, and L. Yose, eds., Petroleum systems of the Tethyan region: AAPG Memoir 106, p. 379-467.

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