Feedback on Amplitude variations with offset (AVO)

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8 posts
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16:08, 18 September 2023 | Details
Why do the liquids produce such variations in response with offset changes
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08:29, 6 November 2020 | Details
derivation of the equations are missing
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16:44, 22 November 2019 | Details
Could use this picture:
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17:43, 10 July 2019 | Details
Several of the variables are not defined. The article would be easier to follow if there was a table with each of the variables defined with units of measure. There may be an existing table of that nature that could be linked to this article.
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08:10, 24 August 2018 | Details
Really it is very helpful to understand AVO effect but Zoprit equation explanation is not deeply
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10:10, 2 December 2017 | Details
You may add the AVO classification which covers all possible AVO responses (independently of the fluid content of the beds).
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15:35, 12 July 2017 | Details
description of Figure 4. Where is Class 2P label? NEEDS image of Gather to relate to Fig 4.
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