Feedback on Amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis

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3 posts
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16:59, 28 June 2021 | Details
not really
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13:21, 8 March 2017 | Details
Excellent information, if you are already and expert! This page provides a lot of detail about "How", but it doesn't explain the "What" and "Why". So, in 2 or 3 sentences, written for a non-specialist, "what" is AVO and "why" should I use it?...Excellent information, if you are already and expert! This page provides a lot of detail about "How", but it doesn't explain the "What" and "Why". So, in 2 or 3 sentences, written for a non-specialist, "what" is AVO and "why" should I use it? What is the purpose of AVO? What could it actually tell me? What exploration or production questions could it answer? What is the point of AVO?More
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17:09, 1 April 2015 | Details
Great article
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