Feedback on Formation water density

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14:00, 17 March 2018 | Details
the relationship between density and standard density
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16:43, 18 August 2016 | Details
Please correct density TDS relationship. It should be Specific Gravity = 1 + 0.695e-6 x TDS where TDS is in mg/L. See: Collins, A.G. 1975. Geochemistry of Oilfield Waters. New York: Elsevier Scientific...Please correct density TDS relationship. It should be Specific Gravity = 1 + 0.695e-6 x TDS where TDS is in mg/L. See: Collins, A.G. 1975. Geochemistry of Oilfield Waters. New York: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co.More
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16:02, 18 August 2016 | Details
The equation to estimate density appears to be in the form to estimate specific gravity given TDS in (g/cm3), not to estimate formation water density. Could this be clarified?
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15:42, 29 March 2016 | Details
This is good for student. It is very easy to understand.
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12:23, 21 October 2015 | Details
need formula of calaculating water density at different temperature according to TDS level
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