Feedback on Predicting hydrocarbon recovery

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12 posts
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09:32, 21 November 2019 | Details
Looking for API empirical oil RF correlations.
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08:14, 19 May 2018 | Details
Main factor is reservoir heterogeneity.
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16:24, 14 December 2017 | Details
I wanted to know recovery factor formula.
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10:30, 31 October 2017 | Details
Correction: "Port type" should be: "Pore type "
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22:03, 14 June 2017 | Details
There seems to be a typo in the form of a missing decimal in the example equation for formation volume factor. The GOR should go from 1,000 to 1, but as written it goes from 1,000 to 10. It currently reads Boi = 1.05 + (10 × 0.05) = 1.1. It sho...There seems to be a typo in the form of a missing decimal in the example equation for formation volume factor. The GOR should go from 1,000 to 1, but as written it goes from 1,000 to 10. It currently reads Boi = 1.05 + (10 × 0.05) = 1.1. It should read Boi = 1.05 + (***1.0*** × 0.05) = 1.1.More
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16:54, 5 August 2016 | Details
Pls define macro meso & microporosities including a range for each. Thank You
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14:09, 14 April 2015 | Details
i was able to quickly get to the stoiip by way of water drive rf
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09:06, 6 January 2015 | Details
please clarify how to determine the recovery factor for condensate-gas reservoir?
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