Feedback on Spore coloration and thermal alteration indices (SCI and TAI): usage

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07:24, 5 February 2017 | Details
more explanation needed
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17:43, 2 October 2016 | Details
It need to explain how experts measured SCI and TAI. what sort of organic matter is used and what are the limitations of these parameters?. The tables of maturity comparison above is also needs review by some expert. For Example above 1.4% VR, it...It need to explain how experts measured SCI and TAI. what sort of organic matter is used and what are the limitations of these parameters?. The tables of maturity comparison above is also needs review by some expert. For Example above 1.4% VR, it generally considered as Dry gas one.More
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10:08, 17 March 2015 | Details
Measurement units for source rock geochemical parameters would e usefull
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14:45, 3 December 2014 | Details
a more detailed deffinition of TAI would be useful :)
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