Feedback on Synthetic seismogram

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7 posts
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07:16, 8 June 2021 | Details
the picture needs to be colored
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21:23, 20 March 2018 | Details
how do synthetic seismograms get located in the seismic data? Is it with a statistical measure that the software computes with the amplitudes of the seismic and synthetic and places the synthetic in a location that has the least statistical do synthetic seismograms get located in the seismic data? Is it with a statistical measure that the software computes with the amplitudes of the seismic and synthetic and places the synthetic in a location that has the least statistical variance between the two?More
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03:19, 23 December 2016 | Details
I am confused for picking of ultra-shallow seismic refraction data ,hence i would like to challenge myself ,to pick seismic synthetic data manually and finally my effort and trial to be controlled !
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08:04, 1 September 2016 | Details
there is no mention about this topic by figures. :(
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18:06, 8 March 2016 | Details
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02:37, 2 December 2015 | Details
A picture for each step .
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13:36, 15 March 2015 | Details
useful for first time to read about creating synthetic
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