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Time-position of the paleogeographic maps. Each map is displayed in the context of the evolution of the sea-water chemistry (aragonite vs. calcite sea, KCl vs. MgO4 evaporites), the global sea-level curve, the major volcanic events, the global climate,...
Time-position of the paleogeographic maps. Each map is displayed in the context of the evolution of the sea-water chemistry (aragonite vs. calcite sea, KCl vs. MgO4 evaporites), the global sea-level curve, the major volcanic events, the global climate, the major geodynamic events, and the ages of the five big extinctions of the Phanerozoic. From Berra, Fabrizio, and Lucia Angiolini, The evolution of the Tethys region throughout the Phanerozoic: A brief tectonic reconstruction, ''in'' AAPG Memoir 106: Petroleum systems of the Tethyan region, p. 1-27.

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