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3-D structural image of the South Viking Graben and southern part of the Central Viking Graben at Base Cretaceous level, viewed from the southeast. Location of image shown in Figure 1. Lines 1–3 are the locations of seismic li...
3-D structural image of the South Viking Graben and southern part of the Central Viking Graben at Base Cretaceous level, viewed from the southeast. Location of image shown in [[South Viking Graben|Figure 1]]. Lines 1–3 are the locations of seismic lines in [[South Viking Graben|Figures 4, 5, 6]], respectively. Courtesy of PGS. From AAPG Memoir 115—Rift-Related Coarse-Grained Submarine Fan Reservoirs: The Brae Play, South Viking Graben, North Sea, [ Chapter 2].

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