The SGR is calculated for each known sealing and leaking segment of the fault. The SGRs of two cross-leaking and cross-sealing segments of the fault are shown in [[:file:evaluating-top-and-fault-seal_fig10-29.png|Figure 4]] (location is on [[:file:evaluating-top-and-fault-seal_fig10-33.png|Figure 5]]). SGR values along the cross-leaking sand/sand juxtapositions are high (red). Cross-leakage (right) occurs at both the 7100/7100 and 7200/7200 juxtapositions. Cross-seal (left) occurs where the 7100 sand is juxtaposed with the 7200 sand. This cross-sealing segment is characterized by low SGRs (blue). Cross-leakage occurs where the SGR is high; cross-seal occurs where it is low. | The SGR is calculated for each known sealing and leaking segment of the fault. The SGRs of two cross-leaking and cross-sealing segments of the fault are shown in [[:file:evaluating-top-and-fault-seal_fig10-29.png|Figure 4]] (location is on [[:file:evaluating-top-and-fault-seal_fig10-33.png|Figure 5]]). SGR values along the cross-leaking sand/sand juxtapositions are high (red). Cross-leakage (right) occurs at both the 7100/7100 and 7200/7200 juxtapositions. Cross-seal (left) occurs where the 7100 sand is juxtaposed with the 7200 sand. This cross-sealing segment is characterized by low SGRs (blue). Cross-leakage occurs where the SGR is high; cross-seal occurs where it is low. |