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Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps
Series Treatise in Petroleum Geology
Part Predicting the occurrence of oil and gas traps
Chapter Value of geological fieldwork
Author Denise M. Stone
Link Web page
Store AAPG Store

Seven critical elements are necessary for subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations to occur:

  • Reservoir rock
  • Source rock
  • Seal
  • Thermal history
  • Migration and trapping of hydrocarbons
  • Geologic history of the basin
  • Structural history and style


Exploration risk is best understood by studying historically what has and has not been successful in a basin. In other words, what combination of the seven critical elements occurred to form existing fields and, conversely, what are the main reasons for the dry holes in that same basin? Is a common element responsible for the dry holes?

The goal of an exploration effort is to use all the data available to identify fully the technical risks and recommend the best course of action and investment. Action following a field project might range from no action, to acquiring more data in key areas, to drilling a well.

Critical element checklist

The following checklist summarizes key attributes of the seven critical elements. The working explorer should have a general understanding of these attributes in the basin studied.

Reservoir rock

General 3-D definition

  • Sedimentary rock type(s)
  • Gross thickness range
  • Lateral continuity (faulted?)
  • Mappability
  • Depth of burial: structural relief of reservoir top
  • Outcrop occurrences

Character of upper and lower boundaries

  • Origin: erosional vs. depositional
  • Nature: abrupt vs. gradational
  • Seismic reflectivity
  • Conformability

Diagnostic features

  • Depositional environment
  • Facies distribution
  • Provenance
  • Internal stratigraphic subdivisions
  • Age diagnostic criteria: fossils, intrusives, marker horizons
  • Electric log responses
  • Pay distribution: vertical, lateral
  • Sedimentary structures

Petrographic characteristics

  • Composition: framework grain mineralogy, crystallinity
  • Texture: grain size, sorting, roundness, crystallinity
  • Degree of cementation
  • Diagenetic alteration
  • Microfossils
  • Fractures
  • Porosity
  • Permeability

Source rock

  • Age
  • Thickness
  • Lateral continuity
  • Organic richness
  • Thermal maturity
  • Kerogen type
  • Depositional environment
  • Facies
  • Mappability
  • Carbonate vs. clastic
  • Depth of burial


  • Vertical seals
  • Lateral seals
  • Lithology of potential seals
  • Capillary pressure
  • Lateral continuity of sealing formations
  • Presence of evaporates
  • Fracture systems

Thermal history

  • Rates of deposition
  • Rates of burial
  • Paleogeothermal gradient
  • Tectonic history
  • Location of kitchen areas

Migration and trapping

Geologic history

  • Main tectonic events: compressional, tensional, wrench
  • Structural overprinting
  • Depositional history: continental, marine
  • Episodes of subsidence: regional, local
  • Controls on subsidence
  • Unconformities
  • Significant episodes of volcanism, subsidence, uplift, erosion
  • Rates of deposition
  • Paleotopography
  • Paleoshoreline
  • Paleoclimate
  • Chronostratigraphy

Structural history and style

  • Compressional vs. tensional basin
  • Main structural elements
  • Tectonic development
  • Sequence of events
  • Structural overprinting
  • Fault trends: major and minor
  • Basin boundary faults
  • Major faults vs. minor faults
  • Zones of weakness
  • Dip domains
  • Outcrop patterns
  • Dip and strike trends
  • Average throw on faults

See also

External links

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Hydrocarbon accumulation: the seven critical elements
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