Lithofacies analysis

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Lithofacies are interpreted from well data and seismic facies descriptions. Lithofacies interpretations should be based on all available well and outcrop data and on seismic facies interpretations.


Below is a suggested procedure for analyzing lithofacies.

Step Action
1 Learn as much as possible about the regional geology from well and outcrop control.
2 Describe cores and cuttings from sequences of interest. Besides describing lithology, grain size, and sedimentary structures, also describe pore geometry.
3 Calibrate core and cuttings descriptions to well logs and outcrops. Annotate logs with porosity and permeability data (if available) from potential reservoir and seal intervals.
4 Integrate calibrated well logs into well log cross sections constructed during well log sequence analysis.
5 Interpret depositional environments of lithofacies of depositional sequences using log cross sections and seismic sections with seismic facies analyses.

See also

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Lithofacies analysis