Midale water saturation and pore geometry

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Log response and Sw

Variations in pore geometry have the expected effect on log responses and water saturations (Sw). The Midale Vuggy in a cored field well consists of interbeds of packstone and mudstone. Figure 1 is a Pickett plot for the Midale Vuggy from an example well in Weyburn field. Data points cluster around higher resistivities for packstones (group A) and lower resistivities for mudstones (group B), reflecting the higher water saturations of the mudstones.

Buckles plot

As shown on Figure 2, mudstones (B) are micro- to mesoporous; packstones (A) are meso- to [ http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/macroporous macroporous]. The mudstones have more pores with smaller pore throats than the packstones. This means mudstones have greater pore surface area and higher immobile Sw. As a consequence, Sw values for mudstones are higher at any given elevation in the oil column.

Figure 3 is a Buckles plot for the Weyburn well. The hyperbolic curves represent equal values of Sw × porosity (Φ). Points from the same pore type that fall along a hyperbolic curve are at immobile Sw. Curves with higher values represent higher immobile Sw.

On the plot, data for packstones (A), except for point 8, fall on a hyperbolic curve with a value between 100 and 300. This indicates these beds are at immobile (irreducible) water saturations. Point 8 is from a transition zone. Mudstones (B) also are at immobile water saturations but fall on a hyperbolic curve with higher numbers, between 1000 and 1300.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Coalson, E. B., S. M. Goolsby, and M. H. Franklin, 1994, Subtle seals and fluid-flow barriers in carbonate rocks, in J. C. Dolson, M. L. Hendricks, and W. A. Wescott, eds., Unconformity Related Hydrocarbons in Sedimentary Sequences: RMAG Guidebook for Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation in Clastic and Carbonate Sediments, p. 45–58.

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Midale water saturation and pore geometry