Midale seal capacity and trap type

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Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps
Series Treatise in Petroleum Geology
Part Predicting the occurrence of oil and gas traps
Chapter Predicting reservoir system quality and performance
Author Dan J. Hartmann, Edward A. Beaumont
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Significance of rbt for seal capacity

Midale marly beds are universally accepted as being the top seal for this accumulation. They are essentially the same facies as the Midale vuggy beds, analyzed here as a possible updip seal. This study shows the updip change in pore throat sizes could account for 280–890 ft (95–298 m) of oil column. The column height shown from producing wells at Weyburn and nearby Steelman fields is length::600 ft. We are left with two possible conclusions:

  • If the estimate of oil column height using breakthrough pore throat size (Rbt) from the Winland r10 equation is correct, the Midale marly beds do not have the capacity from their capillary properties to seal the column of oil shared by Weyburn and Steelman. Weyburn is a hydrodynamic trap or a combination hydrodynamic–stratigraphic trap.
  • If the calculation of Rbt from the Winland r35 equation is correct, then the capillary properties of the Midale marly beds could seal Weyburn field without hydronamics.

Representative sampling

This way of calculating seal capacity assumes that the core samples used are representative of the seal. Ideally, the rock samples should represent the seal at several geographic points. For instance, a stratigraphic trap may have variable seal capacity along the lateral seal. The best seal rocks might be located at the structurally highest point above a hydrocarbon column and might be capable of holding a 600-ft (180-m) oil column. Yet if the seal lying length::100 ft depth::(30 m) structurally downdip and laterally along the seal had seal capacity of length::200 ft depth::(60 m), then the total column could not exceed length::300 ft depth::(90 m).


As often happens in oil-field studies, this one did not yield a unique solution. This analysis is not sufficiently precise to answer the question of a capillary vs. hydrodynamic seal, but it does show the probability that more thorough quantitative work of the type illustrated would be definitive. Particularly helpful would be detailed analysis of r10 or r35 values of the updip Midale vuggy beds.

Therefore, any estimate of oil or gas column heights should be tested against all other information available. Column height and the buoyancy pressure it generates should make sense in context with shows of oil or gas, water saturations, trap closure, and pressure data.

See also

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Midale seal capacity and trap type
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